Miliki Family - Kids songs & Nursery Rhymes

BREAKFAST SONG: What should BABY Miliki eat? Healthy Habits For Kids

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Susanita and Junior’s Yummy Breakfast

Susanita and Junior are preparing a delicious breakfast for the family and are eagerly awaiting their reaction. There are so many options to choose from!

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Miliki Jr. is a very intelligent and curious baby. At 6 months old, his house is practically his entire world, but that doesn’t stop him from exploring everything around him with the curiosity of someone experiencing things for the first time.

That Miliki Jr. is so alert is no coincidence. His grandfather, Miliki, is also the same way. As a guide, companion, and accomplice in Miliki Jr.’s adventures, Miliki always helps his grandson discover new things by adding a touch of fantasy and imagination to any situation, even the most mundane ones.

The Miliki family is not very conventional either. For them, the primary way of learning is through singing. They know all the songs in the world and even invent some of their own to teach Miliki Jr. things, to pique his curiosity, and to stimulate his imagination. They sing about colors, numbers, and even brushing their teeth…though they also sing just for fun!

BREAKFAST SONG What should BABY Miliki eat? | Healthy Habits For Kids | Miliki Family


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