Miliki Family - Kids songs & Nursery Rhymes

Explore with Miliki Family: Days, Time, and Colors with Songs

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Susanita is teaching Junior the days of the week with the help of the whole family!

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Miliki Jr. is a bright and curious baby at 6 months old. His house is his entire world, but it doesn’t stop him from exploring everything around him with the curiosity of experiencing things for the first time.

His grandfather, Miliki, is just as awake and is his guide and companion in all of Miliki Jr.’s adventures. Together, they bring a touch of fantasy and imagination to everyday situations, helping the little one discover new things.

The Miliki family has a non-conventional approach to learning – they use singing as their main way to teach. They know all the songs in the world and even create their own to teach Miliki Jr. things, stimulate his imagination, and arouse his curiosity. They sing about colors, numbers, and even daily routines like brushing their teeth – all while having fun!

Learn and Play with Miliki Family – Learn Day of Week, Time, and Colors with Songs


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