Hokie Pokie

Protect Your Vision | Good Habits | Hokie Pokie Kids Videos

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Join us in a fun and educational adventure as we learn the importance of keeping our eyes healthy! In this special video for kids, follow the heartwarming story of a loving mother who encourages her little ones to develop good habits for their precious eyes.

Discover the magic of bedtime and how it can save your eyes from the bright screens of phones and tablets at night. Let’s explore the world of imagination, bedtime stories, and cozy slumber as we embark on this journey to protect our eyes and promote healthy sleep habits.

This video is filled with valuable lessons and entertaining moments that will inspire kids to make wise choices for their eye health. Don’t miss out on this delightful and educational adventure for kids and parents alike!

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Keep your Eyes Healthy | Good Habits | Hokie Pokie Kids Videos


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