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Where Did the Dinosaurs Go | Dinosaur Songs by Pinkfong

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You are watching “Where Did the Dinosaurs Go?,” a super fun dinosaur song created by Pinkfong.

Awesome dinosaurs come to life with super fun dinosaur songs! How big was Brachiosaurus? What did Tyrannosaurus Rex eat with their sharp teeth? How about Triceratops? Why did dinosaurs disappear? With Pinkfong Dinosaur Songs, let’s learn about various dinosaurs!

Where Did the Dinosaurs Go?
Where did the dinosaurs go?

Where did the dinosaurs go?
Did they go to the space
or to the North Pole?
There was a dust cloud in the sky
after the meteorite impact.
So how did it go?
The sunlight was blocked.
Oh, really?
So there was nothing to eat.
Oh, no!
This is why dinosaurs disappeared,
long, long time ago.

Where did the dinosaurs go?
Where did the dinosaurs go?
Were they in a hospital
or on a vacation?
There was volcanic ash in the sky
after the volcanoes erupted.
So how did it go?
The sunlight was blocked.
Oh, really?
So there was nothing to eat.
Oh, no!
This is why dinosaurs disappeared,
long, long time ago.

Singer: Hope Marie Segoine, Charity Wynn Segoine, Bommie Catherine Han
Arranged by pinkfong, KizCastle

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Where Did the Dinosaurs Go | Dinosaur Songs | Pinkfong Songs for Children


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